See Inside The Human Heart Like Never Before

I was fascinated with this video and thought that you might enjoy knowing about it. The link is below. Check it out. • This award-winning 3-D model of the heart isn’t just a feat of science, it’ll help you better understand your own body.
Most of us envision the human heart as some 2-D illustration from a middle school science textbook, or maybe a crude animation from a Discovery Channel special.

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Stanley, Hong Kong

Keep in mind that not all of Hong Kong is hustle and bustle. In fact, a vast area is more like Carmel and Big Sur. The south side of HK Island is anchored by Stanley and Aberdeen. There are beaches, lifeguards and isolation. To travel along the south coast is to witness incredible wealth and scenery. Here is some of the Stanley scene.









Dragon Boat Races Hong Kong

I was lucky to be in HK during the weekend of one of their more important annual festivals. Not that I planned it. I wanted to check out the south side of Hong Kong Island on a Friday afternoon and happened upon the Stanley set-up for the Dragon Boat Races. Saturday and Sunday of this weekend are actually a national holiday here. Teams race these boats with a team of 20. There is a cocksman who mans the drum pictured here; he beats the drum to lead the rowers on their count. Here’s a link that explains the history behind the festival for those of you who are interested:

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The Peninsula Hong Kong

No, I did not stay here at one of the world’s most exclusive hotels. But I had to check it out while I was strolling around Kowloon. Just behind the fountain was easily $5,000,000 worth of valet cars in the small lot at the front of hotel. Rolls, Bentleys, Maseratis and Ferraris are common. There was a Maybach and a couple of custom Porches that I had never seen before.


Avenue of Stars Hong Kong

HK has its own version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. For such a small province, it is surprising to realize that Hong Kong is historically the 3rd largest movie capital in the world. There is a lot of history here unfamiliar to us Westerners; just check out the names on the plaques and tell me if you are familiar with their body of work. The Avenue of Stars runs directly along the Kowloon waterfront and therefore is a very popular place to hangout; thousands of people gather every night to watch the big-building light show at 8:00 every night across Victoria Harbor on Hong Kong Island.





